All ECHO Stories
Health Care
Black Maternal Health ECHO: A Platform for Saving Black Women’s Lives
The Black Maternal Health ECHO is made up of people who are passionate about making pregnancy and childbirth safe for Black women.
Justice and Corrections
Fifteen Years of Changing the Lives of Incarcerated People
Today, the New Mexico Peer Education Project offers a continuum of transformational opportunity and support for people who are incarcerated to find their voices and create new lives for themselves.
Health Care
From 1 to Superhub: Zambia’s Ministry of Health Fuels ECHO Growth
Zambia’s Ministry of Health has become a foundational source of growth for Project ECHO’s Africa network.
Systems Change
ECHO Pasantes apoya a los médicos recién licenciados que trabajan en comunidades rurales
A través del Proyecto ECHO, estos médicos reciben el apoyo y la orientación continuos y esenciales de expertos mientras se embarcan en su año de servicio.
Systems Change
O ECHO “Pasantes” apoia médicos recém-qualificados que trabalham em comunidades rurais
Por meio do Projeto ECHO, esses médicos recebem apoio e orientação especializados essenciais e contínuos ao embarcarem em seu ano de serviço.
Systems Change
‘Pasantes’ ECHO Supports Newly Minted Doctors Working in Rural Communities
Through Project ECHO, these doctors receive critical ongoing support and guidance from specialists as they embark on their service year.
Health Care
Scaling Compassionate Cancer and Palliative Care in Malaysia
The ECHO Model builds a foundation for systems-change in cancer and palliative care in Malaysia.
Health Care
Indonesia: Changing the Shape of the Health System
Indonesia’s Ministry of Health has ambitious goals for its health system and it’s using the ECHO Model to get there.
Bite-Sized with a Big Impact: ECHO Education in Nigeria
Improving access to continuing education is an urgent need for educators and there’s a local team using the ECHO Model to help.
Why ECHO Education Programs Took Off in Oklahoma
Oklahoma is applying the ECHO Model to break down silos in public education, thanks to a quiet architect named Ed Harris, Ph.D.
Health Care
Cote d’Ivoire’s ECHO Network Bolsters Health Care Across Francophone Africa
From 2017 to 2024, Cote d’Ivoire’s ECHO network has rapidly expanded programs and regional outreach.
Health Care
Bridging Sectors: ECHO India’s Holistic Model for Health and Beyond
The team of partners at ECHO India have established the ECHO Model as the country’s go-to solution for upskilling the workforce at scale.
Health Care
Gran demanda de programas de salud para la mujer en América Latina
En 2024, nuestros socios de América Latina se centraron en mejorar la salud de las mujeres.
Health Care
Alta demanda por programas de saúde da mulher na América Latina
Em 2024, nossos parceiros na América Latina se concentraram em melhorar a saúde das mulheres.
Maternal Child Health
High Demand for Latin American Women’s Health Programs
In 2024, our Latin American partners focused on improving women’s health.
Gender Equity
Advancing Women’s Careers in Vietnam: How the ECHO Model Contributes to Professional Development and Gender Equity
In Vietnam, female ECHO leaders are creating more opportunities for women in health care leadership and access to training.
Gender Equity
Implementing a Vision for a Gender-Equitable World, Starting with Schools
ECHO India successfully pilots a rigorous, innovative program for teaching the tenets of gender equity – in a diverse range of schools.
Mental Health
Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud mental: Socios de ECHO en América Latina
Ahora en ocho países, los socios de ECHO en América Latina aprovechan sus redes para abordar la crisis de salud mental de la región.