Our Stories

Read how Project ECHO is impacting communities worldwide

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‘Reflective Practice’ Supports Early Childhood Professionals

This New Mexico ECHO program supports early childhood professionals develop emotional resilience in tough situations.  

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 All ECHO Stories

Substance Use Disorder

Breaking the Cycle: Expanding Opioid Treatment in New Mexico

Project ECHO is expanding access to evidence-based treatment, intervention and prevention strategies for substance use disorders for two of the state’s most vulnerable populations: pregnant people and people in detention centers.

Communicable Diseases

Equipping New Mexico’s Public Health Providers to Combat the Syphilis Epidemic

Syphilis is surging in New Mexico. According to the CDC, the state is now ranked second-highest in the nation for the rate of syphilis cases, and leading in the rate of congenital syphilis cases.

Substance Use Disorder

A Personal Journey Through Chronic Pain and Stigma

Project ECHO’s Opioid Crisis and Pain Management program empowers health care professionals in rural communities with expert-led training and resources to enhance harm reduction, opioid overdose prevention, and patient care.


Khanmigo ECHO: Transforming Classroom Education By Training Teachers To Use AI

Imagine a classroom where every student has their own “learning coach,” someone who guides their exploration of subjects from algebra to chemistry while coordinating in real time with their teachers.

Health Care

Prevención de superbacterias: ECHO trabaja para preservar la eficacia de los antibióticos

La resistencia a los antimicrobianos provoca muertes evitables, incrementa los costos de la atención sanitaria y reduce la eficacia de los antibióticos que salvan vidas. Los programas ECHO de TEACH AMS están apoyando a los sistemas de salud para afrontar este desafío.

Health Care

Prevenção de superbactérias: o ECHO trabalha para preservar a eficácia dos antibióticos

A resistência antimicrobiana causa mortes evitáveis, aumenta os custos da saúde e reduz a eficácia dos antibióticos que salvam vidas. Os programas TEACH AMS ECHO estão apoiando os sistemas de saúde para enfrentar esse desafio.

Health Care

WATCH: Kenyan Providers Fight Antimicrobial Resistance Through ECHO

Part of an eight-country network, providers at more than 470 hospitals across Kenya join together in the Telementoring, Equity and Advocacy Collaboration for Health through Antimicrobial Stewardship ECHO Program. 

Health Care

Preventing Superbugs: ECHO Works to Keep Antibiotics Effective

Antimicrobial resistance leads to unnecessary deaths, drives up health care costs and undermines the effectiveness of life-saving antibiotics. The TEACH AMS ECHO Programs are helping health care systems meet the challenge.   


Empowering Providers in Underserved Regions to Treat Long COVID

The Schmidt Initiative for Long Covid and Project ECHO are working to improve care for long COVID by building capacity, raising awareness and enhancing access to treatments.

Health Care

Black Maternal Health ECHO: A Platform for Saving Black Women’s Lives

The Black Maternal Health ECHO is made up of people who are passionate about making pregnancy and childbirth safe for Black women.

Justice and Corrections

Fifteen Years of Changing the Lives of Incarcerated People 

Today, the New Mexico Peer Education Project offers a continuum of transformational opportunity and support for people who are incarcerated to find their voices and create new lives for themselves.

Health Care

From 1 to Superhub: Zambia’s Ministry of Health Fuels ECHO Growth

Zambia’s Ministry of Health has become a foundational source of growth for Project ECHO’s Africa network.  

Systems Change

ECHO Pasantes apoya a los médicos recién licenciados que trabajan en comunidades rurales

A través del Proyecto ECHO, estos médicos reciben el apoyo y la orientación continuos y esenciales de expertos mientras se embarcan en su año de servicio.

Systems Change

O ECHO “Pasantes” apoia médicos recém-qualificados que trabalham em comunidades rurais

Por meio do Projeto ECHO, esses médicos recebem apoio e orientação especializados essenciais e contínuos ao embarcarem em seu ano de serviço.

Systems Change

‘Pasantes’ ECHO Supports Newly Minted Doctors Working in Rural Communities

Through Project ECHO, these doctors receive critical ongoing support and guidance from specialists as they embark on their service year.

Health Care

Scaling Compassionate Cancer and Palliative Care in Malaysia 

The ECHO Model builds a foundation for systems-change in cancer and palliative care in Malaysia.

Health Care

Indonesia: Changing the Shape of the Health System

Indonesia’s Ministry of Health has ambitious goals for its health system and it’s using the ECHO Model to get there. 


Bite-Sized with a Big Impact: ECHO Education in Nigeria 

Improving access to continuing education is an urgent need for educators and there’s a local team using the ECHO Model to help.